


D-r Georgy Lozanov


Dr. Georgi Lozanov was born in 1926 in Sofia. He graduated Sofia University, his major being medicine and later pedagogy. Then he specialized in psychiatry and neurology. He developed the methodology of Suggestopedia-Desuggestopedia which today is implemented by his disciples all over the world. It was highly evaluated by an international group of UNESCO experts. Suggestive-desuggestive learning accelerates the result of learning, improving health and enriching the culture of human relationships. Dr. Lozanov created and ran the Scientific Research Institute of Suggestology in Sofia, Bulgaria; Suggestology and Personal Development Centre at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"; International Center of Desugestology, Vienna, Austria; International Centre for Education of Teachers, Viktorsberg, Vorarlberg, Austria; Lozanov International Trainers association (LITA) in Sofia, Bulgaria.


Theory and Practice of the Liberating-Stimulating Communicative Pedagogy on the Level of the Reserves of the Human Mind
Suggestopedia (in its new desuggestive development as well) is a science for developing different non-manipulative and non-hypnotic methods for teaching/learning of foreign languages and other subjects for every age group on the level of reserve (potential, unused) capacities of the brain/mind. That means: at least three to five times faster, easier and deeper learning; inner freedom; increasing the motivation for learning; joyful learning and psycho-physiological well-being.

Laws of Suggestopedia-Desuggestopedia


1. The First Law of Suggestopaedia-Desuggestopaedia is Love
 The reserves of a personality can be discovered, recovered and activated only by means of love.

2. The Second Law of Suggestopaedia-Desuggestopaedia is Freedom
 When there is Love, there is Freedom. Freedom empowers the teacher to exercise his/her judgment and personal decisions within the main reservopedic framework of the lesson to adapt it to the traits of each group.
 Freedom gives the opportunity to the student to listen to their inner voice and to choose their way to the reserves of mind at different moments of the process of instruction.

3. The Third Law of Suggestopaedia-Desuggestopaedia is Conviction of the Teacher that Something Unusual is Taking Place
 The conviction that something extraordinary, different from the social suggestive norm, is taking place with no failure, leads to the state of inspiration of the teacher.
 The students have the feeling that they achieve everything on their own.

4. The Fourth Law of Suggestopaedia-Desuggestopaedia is Manifold Increase of Input Volume
 The study material presented to students in a specific time frame, must be, as a minimum, at least 2 to 3 times (times, not percent) larger in volume than the existing established norm by the other methodologies.

5. The Fifth Law of Suggestopaedia-Desuggestopaedia is Global-Partial, Partial-Global; Partial through Global
 In Suggestopaedia those two are acquired simultaneously.
 Never acquire first the elements, and then their union in meaningful units.
 Acquire simultaneously the element and its place in the meaningful units.

6. The Sixth Law of Suggestopaedia-Desuggestopaedia is The Golden Proportion
 The golden proportion has been for centuries recognized as the greatest harmony in nature.
 The formula of the golden proportion
 (а-x) /x = x /a
 x² + ax - a² = 0
7. The Seventh Law of Suggestopaedia-Desuggestopaedia is Use of Classical Art and Aesthetics
• Suggestopaedic-Desuggestopaedic art creates conditions for optimal psycho-relaxation and harmonious states which help create a spontaneously increased acquisition state and enhance the capacity to tap the reserves of mind in a pleasant atmosphere.



UNESCO experts from all over the world confirmed

the positive effects of suggestopedia



Sofia, December 11-17, 1978


1.There is a consensus that Suggestopaedia is a generally superior teaching method for many subjects and for many types of students, compared with traditional methods.


2.Standards should be set for the training, certification and maintaining of standards of Suggestopaedic training.


3.Different categories of competency of teachers should be used to reflect increasing levels of teaching performance in certification.


4.Suggestopaedic teacher training should be started as soon as possible.


5.An International Association for Suggestology and Suggestopaedia should be set up that is affiliated to UNESCO and should have the assistance and guidance of Dr. Lozanov for training, research, coordination and publication of results.







About Suggestopedic courses


The Suggestopedic course will last for five weeks. The students will be provided with all the necessary learning material in the process of the studies.
The classes will be conducted via natural communication with logical, emotional and intuitive activities enabling the students to apply the foreign language faster on practical and creative bases. It is not only the active lexical units, grammar and memory potential that are stimulated but the passive material and creativity as well.